24 January 2010 – Giveaway!
Ok – so I’ve got my author copies of Secrets of the Oasis – yaay!
…and I’ve also got a couple of copies of the US Presents Extra edition of Breaking the Sheikh’s Rules which is a nice surprise, as it’s not due out there till May! Excuse the quality of the pic – I had to take it myself as the cover isn’t on amazon yet. That’s how hot off the press it is…
I’m delighted to be able to give both books away together as they are interlinked – first with Nadim and Iseult’s story (Breaking the Sheikh’s Rules) and then with Salman and Jamilah’s. So, I’ve got a copy of each of these books for the first 2 people who email me with their postal addresses and then I’ve got copies of Secrets of the Oasis for the next 8 people who email…
Back soon!
x Abby