14 August 2012
Well I’m back from the RWA conference in Anaheim, California. I think I’m still in shock to be honest, returning home to the endless grey sky that seems to be Ireland’s summer. Well, in fairness, it has been nice for the past few days so I’d better not moan too much :).
The conference was brilliant – a jam packed smörgåsbord of social meetings, events, workshops, talks and generally gadding around the place. I shared a room with the ever – lovely Heidi Rice who was far more professional than me; conducting meetings in Starbucks and getting up early to talk about things like her website and social media presence. (ahem note the fact that I haven’t updated my news page in almost a month).
The day after we arrived was the literacy signing, here I am waiting for people to come and say hello, and not looking too desperate I hope.
My signing buddy/neighbour was none other than Pamela Morsi who is a multi-published and RITA award nominated author. She was extremely gracious considering that she had a steady stream of dedicated fans compared to my mere trickle – which I was very grateful for! It was lovely to meet some people I’ve only previously met through Facebook or Twitter.
Heidi Rice and I went to do an essential shopping trip (aren’t all shopping trips essential?) to a local Outlet and this is proof that even while shopping, we are CONSTANTLY working. In this case taking pictures of the Abercrombie and Fitch models on the wall.
One of the highlights was when Jane Porter hosted afternoon tea for her fellow Presents authors in the uber exclusive and swish Pelican Hill Resort, Newport Beach.
We all walked around generally stunned and awed. Here is Heidi Rice looking extremely at home in her surroundings.
And here is a wee taster of the delicious food we were served, on a silver platter!
On the last night of the conference we had the RITA awards. This time last year I was a puddle of nervous sweat because I was up for an award – this year I could relax and enjoy it! And the most thrilling thing of all? Sarah Morgan won this year’s RITA award for Best Series Contemporary Romance! That’s the first time that one of our books has won this prestigious award!
Afterwards I got to fondle it a little 😉
So that was the conference. I’m already looking forward to next year in Atlanta, Georgia. If you want to check out more conference pics and news look at these great blogs by Fiona Harper and Donna Alward (Donna was also up for a RITA, but unfortunately didn’t win – this year, I’m sure she’ll be up again next year ;))
Since I got home I finished a book that will be coming out in a new continuity series next year, which I’m very excited about. And now it’s time to get started on another book!
Hope you’re all enjoying some summer sunshine wherever you are 🙂
Back soon,
x Abby