2 January 2013

Happy New Year everyone!










I hope you’ve all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and are ready to face 2013 head on ;). I was laid low by a chest infection since Christmas Day so I made the most of the trashy tv, catching up on all my childhood favourites, including some classic romantic weepies like Gone With The Wind. They don’t make ’em like they used to, that’s for sure. Epic, sprawling, heartrendingly passionate. And that’s just Clark Gable!

*Ahem* Speaking of heartrendingly passionate 🙂 my book Restless Billionaire will be re-released as a WH Smith’s exclusive from this Friday so look out for a copy if you’re passing the shop, and if you missed it first time round. This is Sebastian Wolfe and Aneesa’s story, from the Wolfe/Bad Blood series. It might not deliver Scarlett O’Hara sitting on the stairs with tears falling from violet coloured eyes declaring bravely, ‘Tomorrow is another day…’, but it will deliver fast paced action, romance, hot love scenes and a hero and heroine to die for ;).













Wishing you all love, joy, good health, prosperity and happiness this year!

Back soon,

x Abby