20 March 2014
Hi there, lots of news which I will come back and tell you as soon as I can, but just in the very short interim, my book Forgiven but not Forgotten?,
is in the DABWAHA competition…
which is run by the lovely people at the Smart Bitches and Dear Author websites. We’re pitted against other authors and you have to vote for your favourite, so if you have a spare moment I’d really appreciate you voting for my book! Here is the LINK!
You have until midnight North American CST 20 March, or 5am GMT 21 March to vote in this round :).
If I get through to the next round I promise I’ll come back with a sneak peek at my scorching hot Cosmo Red Hot Reads ebook novella Getting Off which will be out this August and which is a bit of a departure for Abby Green ;).
x Abby