23 July 2012

Hi there, I’m off to Anaheim in LA tomorrow for the 2012 RWA conference and I can’t wait. I’ll be taking part in the Literacy Signing on Wednesday 25th July so please come and visit me at table #407 if you’re in the neighbourhood! Here is some info about the signing event:

Romance Writers of America is pleased to announce that the 2012 “Readers for Life” Literacy Autographing will be held at the Anaheim Convention Center, which is conveniently located next to the Anaheim Marriott (RWA’s conference hotel). RWA would like to thank Avon Books for generously underwriting the event, which takes placeWednesday, July 25, 2012, from 5–8 p.m. PT in the Ballroom (third floor) at the convention center.

This event is open to the public; there is no admittance fee. Please note: No outside books will be allowed in (from attendees, not signing authors). Proceeds from book sales go to ProLiteracy Worldwide, Read Orange County, and Literacy Volunteers—Huntington Valley.


I will have copies of The Sultan’s Bride, and ALSO, exclusively (!) some early copies of The Legend of de Marco












…which isn’t due out in North America until October! I will also have some treats for anyone who stops by…not that I’m bribing you or anything :). Come and say hello!