25 January

Thanks to everyone who has been in touch for copies of the books – I have a couple of copies of Secrets of the Oasis left.

When you read Secrets of the Oasis, you’ll see that two other characters are mentioned – Nadim and Iseult. These characters appear in Breaking the Sheikh’s Rules which first came out in an anthology called Summer Sheikhs last summer.

Breaking the Sheikh’s Rules is going to be released as a Presents Extra in May in the US…so it’s slightly backwards..!

But they can both be read as stand alone books. You might also notice a certain Sultan Sadiq Ibn Kamal Hussein who pops up in both these books – he’s got his own story which is out in the UK in September and will be called, The Sultan’s Choice…plenty of Sheikhs and Sultans to go around for everyone!

Back soon, x Abby